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Alim Exam Routine 2024: Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board

Alim Examination Routine 2024: Key Dates and Guidelines for Bangladesh’s Madrasah Students

The Alim Examination in Bangladesh serves as a cornerstone for madrasah students, marking a pivotal point in their educational journey. As an equivalent to the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) for madrasah board students, it not only evaluates their knowledge and skills but also paves the way for higher education opportunities. The anticipation for the Alim Examination Routine 2024 has ended, and with the release of the official schedule, students across Bangladesh are gearing up for one of the most significant academic challenges of their lives.

Examination Schedule Overview
The 2024 Alim Examination is set to commence on 30 June 2024, stretching over a month to conclude on 11 August 2024. The exams will start with Quran Mazid and Tafsir, setting a tone of reverence and discipline. Following this, students will navigate through a variety of subjects including Arabic, Hadith, and Fiqh, along with compulsory subjects like Bengali, English, Mathematics, and Information and Communication Technology. For instance, the Mathematics exam is scheduled for Declared Date a crucial date for many students aiming to showcase their analytical prowess.

Examination Preparation Tips
With the routine now clear, students are advised to create a comprehensive study plan. Prioritizing subjects based on exam dates and individual strengths and weaknesses can make preparation more effective. Additionally, incorporating regular revisions and practice exams can significantly boost confidence and performance. Time management, a critical skill during this period, involves balancing study sessions with necessary breaks to maintain mental and physical health.

Guidelines and Procedures
Candidates must complete their registration process by April 10th, ensuring they are eligible to sit for the exams. It is crucial to verify personal information on admit cards and be aware of the examination center locations well in advance. Students are reminded to arrive at their respective centers at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time, carrying all necessary materials including pens, admit cards, and calculators (if permitted).

Alim Examination Routine 2024

Here is the Alim Examination Routine 2024 for Madrasa Students in Bangladesh. It will be updated accordingly one published by the board.

Download Alim Exam Routine and Schedule in PDF

Download Alim Exam Schedule Routine 2024

Notice for Students from Board

(1) Students must be present at the examination center at least thirty minutes (30 minutes) before the start of the exam.

(2) The exam will begin with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) followed by the creative or essay (theoretical) section.

(3) For the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), 30 marks and 30 minutes will be allotted, and for the creative (CQ) exam, 70 marks against 2 hours and 30 minutes will be provided. In exams that include a practical part, 25 marks and 25 minutes for the MCQ section, and 50 marks and 2 hours and 35 minutes for the CQ section will be designated.

The exam will continue without any breaks until the time specified in the question paper | There will be no breaks between the MCQ and CQ sections of the exam.

(a) For exams scheduled to start at 10:00 AM, unwritten answer forms or sheets and the multiple-choice OMR sheet will be provided at 9:30 AM.
The distribution of multiple-choice question papers is scheduled for 10:00 AM.
At 10:30 AM, the multiple-choice answers (OMR sheet) will be collected, and the creative question papers will be distributed. (For the 25-mark multiple-choice exam, this will be at 10:25 AM, and for the 40-mark multiple-choice exam, it will be at 10:40 AM).

(4) Candidates will collect their admit cards from their respective Madrasah heads at least three (3) days before the start of the exam.

(5) Every candidate is required to accurately complete the OMR form by entering their exam roll number, registration number, subject code, and other pertinent information on the designated answer sheet. It is imperative that the answer sheet remains unfolded and free from writing in the margins at all times.

(6) For subjects containing practical components, candidates must pass the theoretical, multiple-choice, and practical sections separately.

(7) Candidates can only participate in the exams for the subjects mentioned on their registration card and admit card. Participation in exams for other subjects is not allowed.

(8) Practical and oral exams will be conducted at their respective centers. However, if a Madrasah does not have a science department, the practical exams for the science subjects will be held at a Madrasah that has one.

(9) Candidates may use a general scientific calculator (Non-Programmable) during the exam. Programming calculators are not allowed.

(10) Except for authorized officers, no one can bring or use mobile phones at the examination center. Authorized officers may use basic (non-Android) mobile phones for communication purposes.

(11) The same signature must be used for theoretical/creative/multiple-choice, practical, and oral exams. This is a reliable document for attendance in exams.

(12) Oral exams for recitation with proper pronunciation (subject code-234) and quick reading (subject code-235) will be conducted for the Mujabbid section.

The Alim Exam is a significant milestone and a challenging time for madrasah students in Bangladesh. As the exam dates draw near, maintaining focus, a positive attitude, and making the most of the remaining preparation time is crucial. The education board urges all students to keep an eye on the official website for the latest updates or modifications to the exam schedule. Wishing all the examinees success and a fulfilling examination journey.

Source: Link

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