HSC Exam 2024 Routine for All Education Board in Bangladesh
Download HSC Exam Routine and Schedule 2024 in Bangladesh for All Education Board
The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations, a pivotal point in the academic journey of students across Bangladesh, are set to commence on June 30, 2024. This announcement, made by the education boards on a Tuesday, marks a crucial update for students, educators, and institutions alike, gearing up for one of the country’s most significant educational events. The routine can be downloaded from this page.
Starting Off with Bangla: The Inaugural Examination
The HSC exams are scheduled to kick off with the compulsory first paper of Bangla on June 30. This initiates a series of examinations that will stretch over several weeks, shaping the academic futures of thousands. The schedule for these exams is uniformly set from 10 AM to 1 PM daily, offering a consistent framework for all subjects across the board.
Written Exams to Conclude by August 11
The written segment of the HSC examinations will draw to a close on August 11, 2024. Following this, students will then proceed to their practical examinations, which are an equally integral part of the assessment process, evaluating the practical knowledge and skills of students in various subjects.
Registration Timeline: April 16 to April 25
The registration period for all HSC candidates is a crucial time, scheduled to start on April 16 and conclude on April 25, 2024. This window is essential for students to secure their participation in the examinations. However, for those who might miss this window, the education board has provisioned for late registration. With a late fee of 100 BDT, students can register between April 29 and May 2, 2024, through the designated payment channel, Sonali Seba, ensuring that all aspiring candidates get an opportunity to sit for the exams.
Examination Curriculum: Revised and Streamlined
In a strategic move to accommodate the academic disruptions faced in preceding years, the 2024 HSC exams will be conducted based on a restructured (abbreviated) curriculum. This decision aims at ensuring a fair and efficient assessment of students’ knowledge and skills, taking into consideration the educational challenges encountered during recent times.
HSC Exam Schedule 2024, HSC Routine 2024, Bangladesh All Education Board
This comprehensive examination routine is applicable across all education boards in Bangladesh, ensuring uniformity and coherence in the assessment process. From the Dhaka Education Board to the Sylhet Education Board, each entity, including those in Chattogram, Cumilla, Barisal, Dinajpur, Jashore, Mymensingh, and Rajshahi, follows this meticulously designed schedule. This alignment across the boards facilitates a streamlined examination framework for students, educators, and administrative bodies alike. By adhering to this unified schedule, the education boards collectively uphold the standards of academic evaluation and integrity, making it a cornerstone for the academic assessment process in Bangladesh. This approach not only simplifies the examination process for students who are navigating their way through the critical stages of their secondary and higher secondary education but also ensures that the assessment criteria are uniformly applied, thereby maintaining a high standard of educational excellence across the country.
- Barisal Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
- Chattogram Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
- Cumilla Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
- Dhaka Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
- Dinajpur Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
- Jashore Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
- Mymensingh Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
- Rajshahi Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
- Sylhet Education Board HSC Exam Routine 2024
HSC Exam Routine 2024

Download HSC Exam Routine 2024
HSC Exam Routine 2024 – Schedule for All Board in Bangladesh P-1 (Image)
HSC Exam Routine 2024 – Schedule for All Board in Bangladesh P-2 (Image)
HSC Exam Routine 2024 – Schedule for All Board in Bangladesh P-3 (Instructions) (Image)
HSC Exam Routine 2024 PDF Download
Instructions of Students
- Candidates should be seated in the exam hall at least 30 minutes before the start of the examination.
- The exam will start with the multiple-choice questions (MCQ) followed by the creative/written (subjective) test.
- For the 30-mark MCQ test, the duration is 30 minutes, and for the 70-mark creative (CQ) test, the duration is 2 hours and 30 minutes. For exams that include practical subjects, the 25-mark MCQ test will have a duration of 25 minutes, and thecreative test (CQ), worth 50 marks, will be 2 hours and 35 minutes long. The exam will proceed continuously up to the specified duration for each part without any breaks between the MCQ and CQ sections. a. For exams starting at 10:00 AM:
- Distribution of blank answer sheets and MCQ OMR sheets at 9:30 AM.
- Distribution of MCQ question papers at 10:00 AM.
- Collection of MCQ answer sheets (OMR sheets) and distribution of creative question papers at 10:30 AM (For the 25-mark MCQ test, this will be at 10:25 AM).
- Distribution of blank answer sheets and MCQ OMR sheets at 1:30 PM.
- Distribution of MCQ question papers at 2:00 PM.
- Collection of MCQ answer sheets (OMR sheets) and distribution of creative question papers at 2:30 PM (For the 25-mark MCQ test, this will be at 2:25 PM).
- The examination must be conducted according to the times specified in the question papers.
- Candidates must collect their admit cards from their respective institution heads.
- Candidates must correctly fill in their exam roll number, registration number, and subject code on the provided answer sheet using the OMR format. Under no circumstances should the margins be written on or the answer sheet be folded for any reason.
- Candidates must pass the theoretical, multiple-choice, and practical sections (where applicable) separately.
- Candidates can only participate in the exams for the subjects mentioned on their registration card and admit card. Participating in exams for other subjects is not allowed.
- No candidate will have their exam at their own college/institution; seating arrangements must be made through reallocation.
- Candidates may use non-programmable scientific calculators in the examination. Programmable calculators are not allowed.
- Aside from the person in charge of the examination center, no one is allowed to use mobile phones, and candidates are not permitted to bring mobile phones to the examination center.
More About HSC 2024 Examination in Bangladesh
The announcement of the HSC exam schedule and routine for 2024 has undoubtedly set the pace for a rigorous academic preparation period ahead for students across Bangladesh. As the exams approach, the focus on the restructured curriculum will be paramount, with educators and students alike adapting to the revised syllabus aimed at mitigating the impacts of past disruptions.
The period leading up to the exams is a crucial time for candidates to solidify their understanding, hone their skills, and prepare mentally and physically for the challenges ahead. With the detailed schedule now available, students are encouraged to plan their studies accordingly, making the best use of the time left to ensure success.
The HSC exams serve as a gateway to higher education and professional pathways, making this period an intensely focused time for students aspiring to excel and achieve their academic goals. With the comprehensive schedule and routine now laid out, the path forward is clear, marking the beginning of a critical journey towards academic and professional success in Bangladesh.
The HSC examinations in Bangladesh are more than just a series of tests; they are a rite of passage for students stepping into the realm of higher education and professional development. The detailed organization and implementation of these exams, from coordinating schedules and handling registrations to adjusting the curriculum, illustrate a thorough approach to educational evaluation. As students nationwide prepare for this pivotal academic threshold, the emphasis is on providing them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and perseverance to tackle higher education challenges and beyond. Consequently, the HSC exams underscore the lasting importance of education in developing Bangladesh’s future leaders. This structured assessment process not only prepares students for upcoming educational endeavors but also reinforces the foundational role that education plays in societal advancement.
Routine Source: Dhaka Education Board